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Main » Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational
Spiritualism has been metaphorically considered to be a form of
intoxication throughout history. As with any metaphor, this
overshadows a large portion of what true spirituality actually entails.
Many famous poets have referenced wine and drunkenness to express
how one feels when in a spiritual state. Shouldn’t one feel beside
oneself when in a state of spiritual wonder? Shouldn’t one feel
intoxicated when they connect to the divine?
I remember volunteering for a group of students visiting the Shrine of
Imam Musa bin Rida (a). The students traveled from the United
Kingdom all the way to the Middle East in order to visit this shrine.
They were typical young English Muslims, using weird British slang
(which took some time to get used to). Since they did not fit into the
“ultra-religious/spiritual” box, I wondered what effect visiting the
shrine would have on them.
The students put their head ... Read more »
Category: Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational | Views: 288 | Added by: Redeye | Date: 2013-12-12 | Comments (0)

When a person is cocky they are just usually over compensating in faking their confidence. There are a variety of reasons for people to be too cocky, and this usually is done out of the fear of not actually being good enough. Searching for a humble amount of confidence is very key in a person living out there everyday life. If you don't allow for yourself to be humbled, then chances are, life will find a way to humble you. Instead of worrying about what others perceive of you, worry about what you perceive of yourself. Worry about if you are doing the things that are in your heart to really do. We cannot all be where we want to be in every moment of our lives. But if we stay real, stay humble, and stay faithful, life and its circumstances will never be able to deter us from reaching our goals.
Category: Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational | Views: 300 | Added by: Redeye | Date: 2013-12-04 | Comments (0)

Real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he's got her.

In love, we must make a conservative effort to show the person that we claim we love that we actually love them. Love is way more than telling someone "I love you" and is actually one of the hardest jobs to maintain. Although love may get difficult to keep up with at times, when a person is really in love, it isn't hard for them to show and express the way they may feel at any given time. To love like the world is ending one must give their love everything that is inside of them taking in the fact that love may not always be seen arriving but is easily spotted when it is leaving. In other words, love like today is the last day that you will ever be able to give your love to whomever it is you care for, because you never know if or when the opportunity to do so will ever pass.
Category: Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational | Views: 280 | Added by: Redeye | Date: 2013-12-04 | Comments (0)

To continue to achieve in life, a person has to be willing to set goals for their lives. Without any sense of direction a person will just blow in the wind, falling and following every single thing that may cross their paths. Instead of being a victim to the plethora of choices that must be made in each day, a person has to be willing to stick to making decisions that represent who they are, and where they are trying to go in life. Just as surely as a person should have goals, a person should also have drive as well. Without drive and ambition to get you past your obstacles, a person will often lose sight of the goals they may have had in mind in the first place. Hold tight your dreams, and never stop believing that one day, somehow, they will be a reality, keep pulling and keep pushing!
Category: Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational | Views: 257 | Added by: Redeye | Date: 2013-12-04 | Comments (0)

Realizing that there are huge differences between giving up and moving on is a huge part of becoming mature in life. A person with a considerable amount of wisdom is a person that knows when it is time to let something or someone go out of their lives. Not every one knows every single answer to every problem, and yes sometimes people make mistakes by leaving a situation to early, or staying in a bad situation for too long, but those who just seem to know the right time for a need in the change of scenery, are those who are willing to listen to their heart. It is important to think about our decisions in life and to weigh them against our past experiences and so forth, but there are times when we just have to be willing to listen to what is being said in the deepest part of our heart.
Category: Motivational/Spiritual/Inspirational | Views: 281 | Added by: Redeye | Date: 2013-12-04 | Comments (0)